Understanding how to access methods from different class

Lesson 30/73 | Study Time: 30 Min
Understanding how to access methods from different class

Understanding how to access methods from different class



Product Designer

Class Sessions

1- Installing Java and Installation of Eclipse 2- How to Install Eclipse,jdk,jre and jvm? 3- How to run first program? 4- How to store diffrerent datatypes in java? 5- Variables, ititilization and utilization? 6- local,global and final variables? 7- Methods 8- Java condition/Comparison Operators 9- For loop-increment 10- For loop-decrement 11- For loop to print something 12- While loop 13- If else statement 14- if elseif else 15- If esle nested 16- Operators 17- Logical Opeartors 18- Switch case 19- Learning static and non static methods 20- Learning static and non static varaibles 21- Array 22- Constructor 23- Constructor overloading 24- callling one class within one class 25- Methods Overloading 26- Inheritance 27- Method Overriding 28- Super keyword 29- super calling statements 30- Understanding how to access methods from different class 31- Java polymorphism -compile time polymorphism -run time polymorphism 32- Collection concepts 33- Idea on types of List 34- Idea on Set and types 35- Idea on Maps 36- What is Maven and why Maven 37- Installing /Configuring Maven 38- Creating Maven Project 39- Importing Maven project to Eclipse 40- Web Driver Architecture 41- Selenium Components and Installing Web Driver 42- Launching AUT in Firefox, Chrome,IE 43- Creating your first Script in WebDriver 44- Locators - Types of Locators and Example 45- What is Xpath 46- When to Use Xpath 47- Absolute Xpath and Relative Xpath - Examples and Advantages 48- Browser 49- Text Box, List Box,Links ,Radio Button ,Calendars ,HTML tables 50- Automating Links 51- Automating Dropdowns 52- Handling Alert and Types of Alert 53- Handling Frames and Types of Frames 54- Alert Functions-accept ,dismiss and getText 55- Difference between Window Handle and Windowhandles 56- Wait types -Implicit wait , WebDriver Wait ,Fluent wait 57- Thread.Sleep and Difference with wait methods 58- TestNg - Overview 59- Advantages of TestNg over Junit 60- Prioritizing Test Cases 61- TestNG Data Provider and Parameters 62- Parallel Testing with TestNg 63- TestNg Reports 64- Cucumber -Overview and idea 65- Installing Cucumber in Project 66- Cucumber PICO container 67- Cucumber Reports 68- Creating GIT HUB Account 69- Basic GIT HUB commands 70- Configuring and Interface Overview of GITHUB 71- Jenkins Overview 72- Idea on build and Release Pipelines 73- Creating a Pipeline with Jenkins